Saturday, March 3, 2018


  So for all the guys out there, if a women passes you on a bike here is the correct term for it.  :)  

The evil side of me.  There was this guy in the park one time and he was all decked out in the whole jersey, every thing.   He did not want me to pass him, he was hell bend on me not passing me.  I just stayed behind him the whole way,  he was only doing 17 mph. Yeah I'm a stinker.  We kept this up for about 2 1/2 miles, then I got up to were I was right beside him and then did my 25 mph zoom......................................... Highly mean, but oh so fun.   I wonder what went thought his mind as I ditch him.  

Just recently  I had a lady try this in the park, but seriously there was no competition.   She looked over at me with a wry smile and I by the look on her face she was looking at my size and thinking to her self I'll show her.    Um excuse me lady but your talking to 0 to 25mph.  Like I said no competition.     

But in all seriousness I get dropped all the time. 

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