Saturday, March 10, 2018

28.2 Miles & Bernard Roth Syndrome

March is not turning out to be a very good month for me.   :(    Hubby was going for a bike ride, so I decided to go with him, the first 13 miles was fine, my legs were antsy from not riding.  I was a lazy ride with not sprinting.  Chris did 10 miles.  When I got home I was feeling like I could go back around a second time.  The first ride I didn't bother to bring my speedometer because it was not working and the second time I was like what the hell, but it on and it must have dried out enough and it's working again.    Well on my second time around holy bejesus!   Roth is back with a vengeance. The last time it flared up was 9/22/2017 that when it was so bad I landed at Enloe. The Dr told me there is no cure for it, and do what ever I can to make it feel better.   If anyone's BBQ isn't working you can use my leg to grill anything you want.   I must have looked like a idiot on my bike, because I was pounding the leg trying to cancel out the pain.   Right now just sitting down is awfully painful, I have to stand up every 2 minutes to make the pain go away.  My other leg is fine, it's like why the hell did you stop riding, this feels great.  My left leg feels like the first time I rode 100 miles, it feel over exerted.  When I got home I had to call Chris on the cell phone and have him bring out the crutches.  I could not walk into the house on my own.    Looking back on my notes it took 2 days to go away.  So I'm crossing my fingers that this does the same.  Then I'll be back on track.   My tooth is still sore, but I now can ride.  So I still got a way to go before my appointment.  
What does the Bernard Roth Syndrome feel like.  It can go from feeling like my thigh is on fire, which is the worst one, to thousands of tiny needles being pokes into the skin over and over.  
I hope this goes away ASAP.

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