Sunday, March 18, 2018


This is were I was stationed.  Making sure people who aren't part of the race don't park here.  Oh boy a few people were sneeky.   And a few of the racers must have been late, because they flew around the barrier and me.
How do you ruin peoples day?  Tell them they can't go some were just for one day.  LOL 
It was very cold but good morning, and I was treated to lunch and another T-shirt.   No I did not eat the shirt and wear the sandwich.  LOL 
Most of the cyclist were very thankful and very appreciative of my service.  
Boy I really had to keep my eyes peeled they were zooming on there bike warming up all around me.   When I first got there with the barriers I was looking toward the race. The orange fence in the distance.  And about four cyclist whooshed by be.   Oh!  

All the venders vending.
Cyclist getting ready to suffer.

My cool shirt.
There were riders warming up every where. 
With a trainer.
By them selves.
In a group.

Racers just riding easy around the course.
As I was taking pictures on lady who was also volunteering and holding a flag, was excitedly yelling at me to quickly take a picture of her son.  (???)   I was like  Ok.  Then I said which one is your son?   She was just admit that I take his picture.  More like she was just excited and wanting anyone with a camera to take his picture.    Did I get him?  I have no idea.  

On Fire, this group was moving.   The speeds where from 25 to 30 mph.
Aw they even had the little one's racing.  I missed it because I was too far away.  So cute.

 Close in Zoom.  LOL  

All in all it was a fun day.  

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