Friday, March 30, 2018

1HR 10M at the GYM & RAMBLING

Didn't do a bike ride today!     OMG it's the end of the world.he he
 Took a break from riding and hit the gym for a hour.
 No I didn't do battle with the Jacobs ladder.  I just did some racquet ball and some core work out. 

As for the Wager, I need to do that on my own time when I'm ready to do it, but doing 32 miles a days not going to cut it for me.   I did 800 miles in February and that 28 miles a day.  But I did 110, then 70 and well I was all over the place, it work for me and that's the way I'm going to do the wager.
Not doing something does not make you a failure, it give you time to analyze and ready your mind for what to come.   Using your imagination is what helps you to do hard things.  It's all mind games. And mind games can be won. 

When I started cycling I read in a journal that 65 miles was the drop off point for most cyclist, it literally said 65 is were people drop off like files.  That really stuck with me.  I didn't want to be a fly that hits the windshield. 
 And so far I have not hit the wind shield, yeah I tumbled here and there ha ha.

On Running...... (Jog).    I've seen runners and they fly by like the wind.  Me no!  I use to jog and yeah it felt really good. The furthest I could go was 2.4 miles   But it's just so hard on the knees and it aggravates my nerve entrapment in both my legs.  So I had to stop.  Yeah you burn more calories faster, but at what price.  Cycling is were it's at.  For me anyway.         

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