Monday, April 30, 2018


 Felt so much better today.  I had the riders high going on.  Still sore, but today was to beautiful not to get out on the bike.  I just kept it a short ride today.  That's hard to do when your feeling like you don't want to stop, but I need to rest, I'm still sore. 
The end of the month and I max out a 612.69 miles.  That's 189.89 miles more than I did in April 2017.  So I'm happy.
14.07 miles more and I'll be at 5000 miles from June 2017 to June 2018 and if May and June are good riding month I could reach 6000 miles.  Hoping.
Last May 2017 I did my first 514.98 miles, so passing that is my new goal and like I said with hick ups. LOL

Looking forward to more suffering.  Going to head up to Centerville this Wednesday.  

What a great way to end the ride with a Rainbow over head.  


Sunday, April 29, 2018


 Well here I am.  Got up at 5:30 ate breakfast and headed out the door.  Starting time was 6:30, but I took off a 6:18, I didn't want to do the weaving around people thingee.   Last year it upset some of the people and one guy yell out "Don't worry she'll burn out"    No I didn't make it into the Photo crazy.  I have enough photos of me on the bike.  So I'm not bummed out.  
The ride was fine until I made my first turn going to the second rest stop.  It was a tad windy and I was only going 11 to 12 miles an hour. Last year it was windy, but not making me go 12 mph.  So if you want to know if I beat my speed record, no.  :(   The last time I did the Wild flower I had a total of 422.8 miles for the whole month April.  This month I'm at 587.51 miles. 
Did I mention my legs are burning.  Did I mention I am burning all over.  This was another sore ride. Everything on me is sore, so this might be the reason I flopped on beating my record.  Big deal, another day another ride.
Well I'm just a tad bummed.  I had great plans of doing my first 200 miles. (LOLOLOL)  I really wanted to go for it, my mind is like go go go, but my body is telling me hell no.  I'm not there yet.  But I will be.   When I got home I literally crashed (not on the bike)  I slept for 2 hours, it might be because I didn't sleep that well last night.  Other wise I got up and was like I'm doing this. 
All in all it was a good ride.
Riding out from the second rest spot this guy caught up with me and passed, me, but by the time we got back to Durham he could not resist stopping at the rest stop and going in for food.  I stopped out side the rest stop for just a bit and I was mostly eating on the bike.   At the second rest stop I had a banana, a hand full of almonds and 4 M&M's with my cliff bar I ate.  The sandwiches look good, but I don't need my stomach to be weighted down with digesting that much food on the ride.    So like I was saying he got distracted with food, and I took a short break and kept riding, he did not catch up with me again.    There was a third guy that had a very shocked looked on his face.  After a 15 minutes of resting at the entrance to the fair ground I took off to go home, and pass the guy who was yell out and said Hey! and waved.  His eye were like dinner plates, Mr speedo looked a bit grumpy.  

The road ahead.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


 Did a very short ride today because tomorrow is the Wild flower.  I wore the VIVITAR on my helmet and well I don't really think it was such a good idea.  My neck is really sore, and after I got back from the ride I started feeling really dizzy and a bit nausea.   (Fantastic) rolling my eyes.   So here's how I'm going to roll.   If I wake up and my dizzieness is gone and I don't feel sick, I'm rolling.    If I do, I'm not rolling and that's that.  

So I'm going to removed mount on my helmet and use the camera in my hand.  Neck pain sucks. 

On with the riding.  

Flat Flower or Bust.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Eeegad this was not easy to put on. 
The straps work, but.....  
I got this uneasy feeling like if they loosen up it's going to be Vivagone.  It came with a part to make it hold on, but it is not flush with the helmet.  So I did the best I could.  

This should make the prefect Drone or UFO hunting device.  lol   All I have to do it point it upward at the sky. 


 My other camera was good, but the on and off button was really super sensitive.  In fact so much that when I charged it at night I could hear it turn on with the little musical noise that they make.    :(    Well it turn on in my backpack and the battery ran down to the point of no return.  I tried to charge it, but no luck.
I got this Vivitar a while ago and got it for a really good deal.  It was about $75 and the guy sold it for $45.   But then again Office Depots selection on cameras and go pros isn't exactly stellar.   I really do miss camera being separated from phones.  My hubby is totally boycotting Amazon, so were no longer buying things on Amazon. 
I'm so glad I got it.   I'm just so wary of setting things up on line.   Old school, buy camera,  charge camera, use camera.    Now it's buy camera, charge camera, down load and install program to use and get pictures.  I don't know I like the old way and I miss the feeling of not knowing what the picture was going to look like.    It was like a mystery.   And who loves taking a double exposure.   No more double exposure.  LOL    Well enough ranting on that.     I'm in the process of hooking it up to my helmet.   So I can document my rides.   I still have to get a feel for it.   It works, and the quality of the picture is not bad, it's not a Go Pro.   I have yet to post a video on line. so we'll see.

I didn't do the Friday group ride today because I was thinking with all the riding they have been doing for the wild flower no one is going to show up.     I don't know.    I did not ride today.  I want my legs to be fresh and ready, because I'm going to try to push my self.     A couple day off the bike and I go zoom zoom.     Now if I don't go zoom zoom big deal.    Tomorrow is check in and more water bottles.  LOL   I'm really am digging my Amain water bottle.    

Thursday, April 26, 2018

1 Hr 44 Minutes at the GYM.

Played a full hour of racquet ball today and sort of got a little crazy at the end.  Instead of having one ball I got two and wanted to see if I could manage hitting two alternating balls.   LOL   NVTZOID!
It's really hard, but like a person out on a golf course making the first hole in one as they jump up and down and then realize only the ground squirrels are staring at them.  On just two sort times I did it, it was not very long by any stretch of the imagination, but I did it. LOL  It's not easy.   I worked through several techniques and so far hitting them hard is better than hitting them lightly.    I tried hitting them at the same time and that work ok, but then they split up.   It all about practice, insanity and making people think your losing your mind.   I did have a couple of lookee loos.      Did my stretches and core work out.    
I completely for got to mention this, so I'll mention it now, about a month ago I did the stationary bike fitness test.   I gave it my all and after the program was up I was like I'm fucked.  All the results were way under average and listed very poor.   So yeah.  LOL   I have a feeling that if you put in your weight that the computer program just assumes your not fit and very unhealthy.

I been mulling over weather I want to do the 50.   

3 Days till the Wild Flower.  

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

40.06 & SORE

 I am so sore, all over sore, everything is sore.  So today's was a sore hard ride.  

In Later news Darlene Henderson and I made The Orion.  now were famous.   LOL     

I'm at 467.79 miles for April so between the Wild Flower and what not I get past 500 miles of the month of April.

 A sore 40 miles.  
 A sore 2:44 minutes.
 My sore max speed 24.8
 My sore average speed 14.6. 

Getting Chicked Flicked.!     Lena & Christine ditch me.   LOL

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I still have May & June left to fill in the miles. 
As of right now since June 2017 to now I have ridden 4,842.42 miles.   I have only 157.58 to go before I hit 5,000 miles total. 

From January 1st to now I have ridden 1,953.52 miles   Just two more rides and it will be over 2,000.00   

So let see what happens.  Onward and forward with hick ups. 


 Lazy day ride today.   My upper body was not feeling the love, but my legs were like go go go.   So I slogged along and managed to do 26 miles.  Better than no miles I guess.   The Wild Flower is in 4 days.   By the time I get up and the day progresses I'll be fine. Having a hick up like this is not going to hurt me.

Any hoo I tried the fizz to the left.  I had grape.   Well for thirst no.   Grape flavor?   I was not really impressed.  After it fizzed in my water I had a hard time drinking it.   It made my water carbonated with all the fizz, so I felt like I was drinking something cross between a soda with a weird after taste.   Not for someone else they might really like it.  So don't take my word for it.   I'm going to try it one more time during the wild flower to give it another chance and I'm going to try the gels too.   Who knows I might like mango better than grape?

The high light of the ride is when a pretty big lizard with tail raised ran across the road in front of me.  OMG!  Love it.
So on with the riding some good day and some not so good, oh well. Keep moving forward. 

Monday, April 23, 2018


Sitting at the Madison Bear Garden with our non alcoholic sprite. LOL  We got there early, so we were all alone. 
 I was making a fist because my camera has been taking blurry pictures lately.  Because of my rain ride.     Maybe if I threaten the camera it will take better pictures. lol
 The coordinator setting up the prizes and what not. 
 Got some goodies.  Another Purist water bottle. And Gel's and Fizzes.

Everyone had raffle tickets and people won prizes, I didn't win any thing but I still made off with three more Crit Shirt.  :)  And a cool poster, so I'm happy. 

 Oh here are the people.  Filling up.

Yummy The burgers were really tasty.

 More people.  :)
Omg everything is gone.  LOL  Chris and I got there early so we got our burgers practically first.
 I should mention that the burger below were heaping in pan below.  What happened?  Oh yeah hungry people.  And only two veggie burgers left. 
 No more potato salad. 

He's right the burger was good.