Saturday, April 14, 2018


 Yeah I've been off the bike for a full week.  It's not the end of the world.  I've been having issues.   So it is what it is.  So big deal move on.

Had a picnic with hubby today by the creek.

This reminded me of beads on a string.  
 The path ahead.

 Poison Oak.    Warning do not touch the screen or you'll get it.    LOL

Itchy, but it is still very beautiful to look at.     It's hard to imagine but for 16 years of my life I was completely immune to this plant.  The only one in my family immuned.  I could rub it on my face and I would not get it.   Moved away from the forest when I was 16, then when back to visit and guess what I lost my immunity.  It showed up on my arm I was like what the fuck is this??  Ohhh ?!     My family had always used the cold water and ice to get rid of it.   I tried that, didn't work.   It was not until I got it as hot as I could that it went away,  go figure.  
 Hens and Chicks. 💖  
I haven't seen these in the wild for some time.   If you notice the water below I had to lean over the wall to get this picture. Don't drop the camera. 
Hmmm I don't know what this is.    It looks like it could be several species.  It looks like Jack of the rocks, but the little flowers don't quite match.   

 Now that a huge rock. 
 Moss and lichen.

 Poison oak.   
 A little vine making it's way up ward. 

 Babies breath mixed in with other plants.

 Hanging wild grape.

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