Sunday, April 1, 2018


 You look out side and it's just too nice.  The sun is too bright the weather is just exactly right and the cloud just too fluffy.   What are you going to do.   It's just not right.  You can't bring your self to ride you bike in this weather.    Do you suffer from sunny day blues.    Are you the type of person who thrives on stormy fucked up weather to feel alive.  A good down pour sets your heart on fire and makes you jump on your bike.   But what do you do when the weather is not nice any more?  No more hail, no more thunderstorms, no more really windy days?   What are you to do?

This is a debilitating condition that causes anxiety, hallucinations, dry skin, chest pain, dizziness, coughing,  An inability to look at your bike, Vomiting, Nose Bleeds.

If you think you suffer from  Sunny Day blues, do no wait one more second.  Send me money!    Just send it, I do not need to explain to why money is required, just send it.

As soon as money is sent I promise you you'll be cured instantly. 

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