Monday, April 30, 2018


 Felt so much better today.  I had the riders high going on.  Still sore, but today was to beautiful not to get out on the bike.  I just kept it a short ride today.  That's hard to do when your feeling like you don't want to stop, but I need to rest, I'm still sore. 
The end of the month and I max out a 612.69 miles.  That's 189.89 miles more than I did in April 2017.  So I'm happy.
14.07 miles more and I'll be at 5000 miles from June 2017 to June 2018 and if May and June are good riding month I could reach 6000 miles.  Hoping.
Last May 2017 I did my first 514.98 miles, so passing that is my new goal and like I said with hick ups. LOL

Looking forward to more suffering.  Going to head up to Centerville this Wednesday.  

What a great way to end the ride with a Rainbow over head.  


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