Monday, April 2, 2018


 36 - 6 = 30 miles   I accidentally for got to clear the ride to Sports LTD opps.  
Well like I said today was not the best day, but I got out there and road anyway.  The wind was only bad in a couple areas.  
I was only going to do one loop around and was like fuck, I'm going to do more and I did, even though I was bleh. 

Ha I chicked this guy going back up to Horse Shoe pond.  

My speedometer is working fine now, no more going  25 to 30 mph while going really slow, but dang talk about ego boosting.

I really got to get back on track, and start getting ready for the Wild Flower,  I want to improve my speed.    
 Now that more like it.   Yesterday my average speed was 19 mph.  
LOL  No not 26 that was from yesterday. My top speed was more like 24.     

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