Sunday, April 15, 2018


 Well here I go.  When I left on my ride the weather was overcast but not cold, so I just wore a tee shirt.

 My Bento Box I won.   Simple but effective.
 Food, camera and phone.  I'm ready to go.
 When I got out here it was spitting, but not raining, by the time I got back to the bike path across the intersection it was raining.   So I ended up going home and putting baggies over my speedometer and taking off my bento box, that isn't water proof.   Grabbed my jacket and took off again. 

 The only guy on the golf course.  That's hard core.  The weather was not that bad, but there were some gust that were really gnarly, only a few luckily.     And I have a correction to make about Golfers.   At least they can find there balls.  As for the Gun people........
 And here we have Hard core base ball. :)
 Before riding into the wind.
 After riding into the wind.  I was going 11 mph.   And yeah.  But like I said before if you really want to get riding into the wind training come back from Eaton Ave is were it's at.  More than a few time my speedometer as said 7 to 8 mph.  

My hubby made dinner for me.  Yummy.   All in all it was not a bad day even thought it rained and it was a bit windy here and there.    My legs have not gone any where, there still raring to go go go.     

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