Tuesday, October 15, 2019



  Just me and my comfort bike and wearing my full cycling jersey.
Boy I really got peoples attention.  Lot of big eyes looking at the bike then me.  LOL   What ever!  I thought it was hilarious.

There was a lady standing next to two people on bikes.  I was on my second lap and notice each pass they were eye me like.   Fat lady on a bike.  One lady was like "You go girl"  But seriously, your tone and body language did not add up.  I got cocky and decided to 6 more laps around and sure enough all three people lost there "You go girl attitude, and they would not look at me.   LMAO     Funny how that works, I've seen it so many time.   As I past them on my last lap they finally looked at my and a I gave them a big huge smile to there down ward frowns.
People can not stand being proven wrong.  Heavy set people are not suppose to be powerful, were suppose to be sitting on the couch eating Chips, candy and french fried down our mouth.     

I almost for got, but yesterday I had two young kids about 22 or 23 chase me on there bikes.   I really was not riding that fast, but when we got to the bridge and I got off the bike to walk across they both had really upset looks on there face, they were not happy that the fat chick on the comfort bike dropped them.  
Well I have another week of waiting for the bike part to come.   I'm not that shocked or up set.  It is what it is.   And I have a bike to ride.  So I'm fine.   Heck I started out on a comfort bike. ;)

I'm now 202.6 miles into the month.  Hey that better than nothing. 

And I only have 1,631.65 miles left to get to 20,000 miles.   So I'm going to try my best to make it and if I don't big deal.    

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