Wednesday, October 30, 2019


How do you know the temperature is going down.  When you can't feel your face.  Oh snap I could not find my gloves and my finger were so cold.  I had to barrow some gloves. 

 Hey Dorthy stop by to say hi.
And the check this out, that is not a store bought costume, this lady has some amazing skill.  And she makes German dirndls for October fest.   Oh and the slips on her cycling shoe too.
 Me going as a random person.   Exciting I know.
 Pam is a kitty cat. 
And Peggy is just a random person too. 
 Becky hair is looking to good.  I think she was a punk rocker. 
 Kathy is a lady bug and Besty is a bumble bee too cute.
 Oh yeah check out these ruby red slippers.

Group shot and I'm in it. LOL

 At Betniks having coffee.

 Headed home.
 The lovely leaves of fall.

 A huge stick got pulled up in my spokes and messed with my magnet so I lost about 2 miles.  So adding on the lost mileage make it. 32.38


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