Tuesday, October 8, 2019


For just two day California is being shut off. 
Note:  I don't know if the whole state is being actually shut off the it's the talk of the town.

Why? Two prevent forest fires.
Fire season is around three months from Oct to the end of December and just turning the power off for whole 2 days is going to solve the problem.
PG&E is just covering there asses, that is what I think.

I hate to bring up a sore spot, but lighting, cigarettes, car's exhaust,  motorcycles exhaust or any type of spark can create a flame. 
I don't know how many time I've been in Bidwell park riding my bike and seen people smoking cigarettes or marijuana or even seen BBQ unattended with a fire smoldering in them.   I've seen people parked in the bushes off road. 

Now let's talk GOATS!

On this sign what does it say?
ELECTRIC FENCE!   When I took this photo I could hear the wires snapping.  Snapping can create a spark.   As a kid I grew up around Electric fences and yes they can cause fires.  Look it up for your selves.   

I wish I could say Hey we live in a forest fire free world, but nope we don't.  We live dead smack in the middle of one.  

Do I have a solution?  No. 
Do I think two days is going to solve the problem.  No.
Do I think people are going to go through a two say withdraw from the internet?  YES. 

That's all.


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