Thursday, October 3, 2019


Decided to take a break today and hang out with the ride group in something other than cycling gear and helmets.
15 lovely ladies showed up to this very small bar.  We were hogging all the tables all 4 of them.  And to top that off there was one server and one cook.  
Every one ordered something called the Gorilla * Alcoholic. on the left.  I ordered a virgin Pina Colada.  no alcohol.  That's the one on the right.
Huge Hamburger with plank fries.
Here what I ordered.   Appetizer sampler.    Deep fried artichoke hearts,  3 shrimps, 3 mozzarella sticks and potato poppers.
With sour cream & ranch dressing as dips.  I set the sour cream aside I just needed one dip.
The area was so dark and the lighting was off too.   Only a few photos turn out any good. 

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