Sunday, October 20, 2019


  I found my 2014 calendar and it has miles in it that I have never added.  It's crazy to look back and see big rides as being 12 to 16 miles. WOW!   But hey I'm adding them!

And I know my 2015 calendar is floating around here some were.  Not to mention 2013, 2014.

I started keep official track in 2016

Drum roll for total miles in 2014
  1,473 miles. 

That 122.75 a month and a whopping 4 miles a day. 

Now for the juicy part on getting to 20,000. 

With ever thing added up I have 1,701.41 miles left.  

Yeah big deal I won't make 20,000 miles in 4 years, it will be bumped back 6 years.  Whooopy De doo!    Hmmm makes me want to find the other calendars.  

so 1,473 - 1,701.41 =  228.41 miles left.  

I like keeping and collecting our calendars that we have used.   I still have the first calendar from the first time we moved in together.   

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