Saturday, February 24, 2018


I must have been really tired from the ride yesterday, because I wanted to do Betsy ride and I slept in pass the take off time.   Opps.   So not going.  So I did a ride on my own.
31.1 mile today.   It was a tad windy in certain areas.  But other wise just a regular bike ride.  
My new thing is to do reps back and forth from Horse Shoe lake and past Wild wood park and through and around the small neighborhood then back up to Horse Shoe lake.  I did it 4 times.   When I got to 1 miles my stomach began to wig out on me. (???).   So 31 miles is a good day.   
 Looking back toward Horse Shoe lake.
There a mini bike area for kids, so fun to watch them jump and roll around. 

 On the way home I had to stop and look at the peacocks.  On this same street I almost ran over one with my bike,  Talk about sweating bullets.  They hid in the trees and on the fence across the road.  On that day one jump out at the last possible minutes and shit that is one lucky peacock, because I almost creamed him.  That would have ruined my day.  So when I ride on this particular road I am very alert.   My Peacock Alert System is activated.

Such beautiful birds.

 4 Days Left to hammer in more miles.

 (???)  I have no idea why this 38.6 miles chilly wind is here, or how it got here, but it will not let me erase it. Weird. 

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