Thursday, February 15, 2018


Here is the rest of the choice words I had to pick from.  LOL

Plump. That sound ok,
Stout.  I sound like a beer.  While holding my stout, my Stout proportions engulfed my bike.   
Overweight, large and heavyset. Three old stand by's.
Meaty? Who in there right mind would say to someone. "Hey your looking pretty meaty?  NO!  

By no means do I have the cyclist physique as you can see in the pictures and guess what I probably will never have it.   Even if I lost the rest of the weight I am still going to be of ample proportions.  

These are the three main expressions I get from
people when they see me on my bike.  
I find my self laughing.   And I really seriously wonder how many people think I have a e-bike.  Because there is no way someone with that body type can be riding like that.   In fact I saw more than a couple of these faces at the VELO LOVE RIDE.

 I get this one a lot and I mean (A LOT). 

 Threw this one in for fun.  I made this a while back for my self. 
Average speed. 16.6 mph.  
 LOL  This is me at the Crit's.  I was not very happy because I really didn't want to participate.  But it happened oh well.  So yeah cyclist body.    NOT!
 Oh there you are my love.   Like I said before, this is my addiction.  I am a habitual coffee drinker. 

So here the low down, don't mess with the ample proportion chick riding a road bike.   In the words of Trump.  I might be HUGE!  But I can ride.

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