Friday, February 9, 2018


 Excellent ride today with the Friday group ride.    It was the fast and the furious we were hopping along at a good clip.  When we got back into town I had my fastest average speed ever 17 mph.   But going to Bidwell perk is sunk to 16.8 and kept going down. :(   But at least I saw it. 
My total ride with the group was 40 miles and getting home 44 miles.  
It was so beautiful out there lot's of Great Blue Heron's out there. 

Stopped off to Bidwell perk and Pam the group leader who birthday it was, decided she wanted to treat everyone to coffee on her Birthday, well that was very nice and extremely yummy. Thank you.

Afterward dropping hubby off and picking him back up my legs were still go go go, so I did a ride with hubby around the park.  And man did it start to get cold.  Burrrrrrr.    
Tomorrow is break day.  Then Sunday another 60 miles possible 80 mile ride.   Christine want's to ride back to Chico after the Velo Love Ride.   If I'm feeling frisky and crazed I might go with her.  We will see it's up in the air.    

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