Sunday, February 25, 2018

70 Miles & A GREAT DAY

 Felt really good today.  Was aiming for just 50 miles, but felt so good I kept on going and did 70 miles. 
Did I mention I love my bike.
 Taking a break at 35. 
 This is later in the day and it went from sunny to overcast, foggy and cold. 

I'm at 667.2 miles for February so far.   So as of today I beat my personal best for furthest on a bike for 1 month.  That was in September 2017 and it was 645.2 miles. 

My total miles for this year is 999.84 miles.
So all I have to do is 32.4 miles and I'll be at 700 and I have 3 days left to add on some more miles.

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