Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Well I did it. 800 miles ridden on the bike for February and 
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a suffer fest.
I am so tired, I'm beyond tired and I thought yesterday was a hard ride.   Today was worst, this was metal draining and my energy level was shit.   And the (@238&##@!) wind, uhhhhggggg.   I didn't even go to up to Horse Shoe lake I tried my best to stay level.  Level is my friend.
My legs hate me. I feel so drained, I feel like a zombie.    I was thinking about joining the WOW group this morning, then decided I better not.  I'm glad I didn't, I would have not been able to keep up with them.    So yeah I not riding until I'm back to normal.  My legs are so tired, when I get up or down they twitch.    I'm going to fall over now.............later.  

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