Wednesday, February 14, 2018

51.8 Miles & WOW

 Well dang today was not easy, it was so cold and my legs were not getting to that point were I can get into a steady pace.  I really had to work to keep up and I almost decided to cut the ride short, but stuck it out anyway.  When the weather gets really cold in the morning my legs just don't work right, nor do they feel energized, I feel like I'm peddling through sludge.  
And even though this morning was bleh, I got back on the bike later in the evening and did another 12 miles.  

 What a treat out on the ride we saw a huge flock of sand hill cranes taking a break in one of the field.  Really cool.  And I left my camera at home.  

  3:27 mintues
 15.3 average
 26 Max
2830 calories.
Well this April the Wild flower is coming up and I signed up for it. :)   But I'm only doing the 60 flat flower again.    Why? because I want to see if I can beat my time below. 

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