Tuesday, February 27, 2018


 It was not a easy ride today.  It was windy and the wind gust were the kind that push you bike sideways suddenly.   I had this face on the majority of the ride.   Hell look at my hair it's flying behind me.   My average speed was only 11.1 mph. I stopped by Pullin's Cyclery at 22 miles and took a break to see about my earring and get educated on how to mess with walk signs and traffic from Steve. LOL Make me want to use the cross walk in front of the Library.     I was going for 41 miles, but the whole time I was thinking if I can aim for 50 then tomorrow will be less miles.   When I got home I crashed, I was so tired from the ride.   Riding into a head wind over and over is well look at my face. 

On one of my loops I saw two cyclist wearing all yellow, who knew me and yelled out  " Hi Susen"  :)    Of course I waved back.      

 Other wise it was still a painfully good ride.  My thighs feel (HUGE)  I've been cycling straight for 4 days and tomorrow it will be 5 days. 
So that 233.90 miles total including the 32.8 miles tomorrow. 

And tomorrow it's going to rain again, so I got to get on the bike early.   It says it's going to be windy, but no gust up to 30mph.  

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