Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Yeah Zero miles, I woke up this morning and I was slogging.  I think I might have gotten too much sun.  So break.   Heck I didn't even ride out to the Crit's this time.  I drove my four wheel car.  
Great weather for the Critters today.  And a great turn out too. 

 I donated this to the kids race today.  I've had it for a while and never used it.  So what better way to make some kid happy. 

                       Nom  noms.
OMG!  What a huge bell, what a heavy huge bell.   This was made especially for the Crit's.  
 All smiles.  
 Ok guys here are the rules.
 Lot's of riders.
 First group is off.

 Second group.

 Third group.
We had a different kind of bike rider today really cool. 

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