Saturday, May 26, 2018


This morning was not good.  I really could not get up and I felt BLEH! My eye's would not open.    So what do you do when you feel bleh?  You get on your bike.

 Lembas bread aka Gram Crackers. 
One bite will fill the stomach of a full grown man for one day.  Or at least I hope it will. LOL
 Look at all the clouds.  Nice cool breeze and shade I'm digging it. 
ZZzzzzzzzzz.     I didn't wake up until 22 miles.

Ok you know those vans with automatic sliding doors.  Well this is what I watch as I rode by one.   A kid looking about 9 or 10, ran full steam ahead and hit the side of the van hard, I mean THWACK!    OMG!   He backed up dazed then I heard him yell "DAD the door didn't open"   OMG!   That was just too much.      His kid brain could not wait for the door to actually open up and he just expected for the door to open up and he could hop in.  
 Where's all the clouds. 

 Ok I'm felling a lot better.   The first part of the ride was really crumby.

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