Wednesday, May 16, 2018


 Awesome ride today.  Lot's of people showed up 12 people in all.  To me the weather was just fine, cool and overcast. But a lot of people were cold. 
The ride was so beautiful, I didn't stop to take pictures of all the flowers, but there was Rattle snake grass, orchids here and there, lot's of yellow flowers and lot's of greenery.

Holy crap what a difference, yeah I was still slow.  But here is the difference.  The last time I rode to Paradise was 1/12/2018
40 miles
3hr 31 mintues
11.9 average speed.

And today 40.1 miles 3 hrs & 13.2 average speed.   So I feel better in my speed. 

Taking a break at the covered bridge. 

We lost half our group due to prior commitments. So at the end there was only 6 of us.   

YES!  Feeling good about the improvement. 

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