Tuesday, May 8, 2018


 Good ride day today.   This was the first part of my ride.  I told myself I was not going to do a long ride today.  I told myself I was not going to sprint either.   Well I stopped at 30.16 miles and on the way from Horse Shoe pond a women on a mountain bike was like your not going to pass me.  My evil side was saying, just stay on her wheel, but no I didn't know how long she had been riding.   So I Chick flicked her, really bad.   There was no competition. 

 Headed out to the Airport.  I left early again and zigged and zagged here and there adding on the miles.

 Waiting for the fun to start.
 At 45 miles

Shade.   But next time I'm not sitting in the grass.  For some reason my wrist were all scratched up and I was itching all over my arms.  (???)   So no sitting in the grass.

 Some of the great people who also volunteered, but they were more special than me because they got flags and a whistle and I didn't.  :(    LOL

This was toward the end of the races.

 Setting up.
 Ah looks so organized.
 Not till the wind picks up and every body grabbing everything. LOL   My job is to make sure the paper does not fly away. 
If you have a number you sign in with your number.   If you don't have a number you sign in twice.

  This is were I really wish I had my camera back. Oh well.

Just think zoom zoom.

 Ok yeah I got the order mix up, because this is at the beginning.   Riders getting ready to take off.
 More riders.
 Riding pinning each other. 
 And more riders.
 Lot's of things going on.

 And tomorrow I'm hosting the 65 mile ride.  Sore?  Did someone say sore.   This is going to be a endurance ride.  So yes I will be sore..


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