Sunday, May 13, 2018


 A tad windy today but not terrible.  But I could feel it my thighs.   
On the way back from the entrance of honey run I was going a long and a good side garder snake decided to cross the road in front of me!!!  Shit, I just was able to go around it instead of flatten it.  Then just as I missed the snake a jack rabbit jumped out of the grass and was running beside the bike.   I'm awake!
Then over toward Chico Canyon a huge fat lizard decided to cross the road in front of me.  Luckily I was not going too fast, I actually turned around and made sure it when all the way across.  Some times they just stop and stay put and that is when they get squished. :(    He was fat.   
There were these tiny yellow finches perching on the fence and they were so small, I tried to get them on camera, but they were just too small and to far away.  They were in the field eating the seeds off the dry grass.  So beautiful. 

Stop off at the Mulberry bush and munch away one yummy berries. What a great way to end a ride.    Some idiot yell out, hey don't you know that they are poisonous.  Yeah yeah sure sure... what ever.   Mulberries are not poisonous.  What is poisonous is poke berries, people get them confused with elderberries.  If you don't know what it is, stay away from it.    I was in a parking lot on time and there were these tiny tots eating berries off a bush.  I was like OMG! Those are poisonous they shouldn't eat them.  The parents looked right at me and didn't speak one lick of English.   So what do you do?   I even pointed to the berry and make a very sick looking face.  They looked at me like I was a crazy person.  Growing up in the deep woods I was taught there are bird berries for the birds and then there are people berries and you have to know the difference.
I grew up with 15 different berries on our property, talk about getting my antioxidants.   

1. Black huckleberry
2. Blue huckleberry
3. Red Currants.
4. Black Currants.
5. Black Caps.
                                                                                    6. Thimble Berries
                                                                                    7. Red huckleberry
                                                                                    8. Salmon Berries
                                                                                    9.  Black Berries.
                                                                                   10.  Strawberries
                                                                                   11.  Marionberrie
                                                                                   12. Raspberries 
                                                                                   13. Logan Berries.
                                                                                   14.  Goose berries.
                                                                                    15.  Cranberries.     Note these were not wild.  We lived next to a cranberry bog and I use to eat them raw.  What the hell what I thinking when I was a kid I don't know.   So yeah I was up to my eye balls in berries.  And yes I did eat my self silly.  Nom nom nom. 

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