Thursday, May 17, 2018


Great day for a ride today.
On my way out to Horse Shoe pond to do my daily repeats I ran into a friends doing there daily 5 mile run.   Cool.   

What a huge caterpillar!   And dang are they fast.  He decided to climb onto my jersey, but the time I walked over to the other side of the road he was on my back. LOL  I have to ask someone for help.  But the guy decided to wack it off my back.  That not what I had in mind.  Other wise it was stunned for a few seconds rolled over and when on it's way.   Note to self don't let one crawl out of sight next time.  

I found another white mulberry tree and it was not at all sweet, and I looked at it I was attacked my grass seeds.   There like little purple minions but yellow.  LOL
I also have a bird almost get sucked into my spokes.   It was a small yellow finch, so tiny, like the size of the baby quail.  I happen so fast I had no time to react.   I was going along it flew out in front of the wheel and it was getting pulled into my slip stream (probably wrong terminology)   but I have no idea what the name for it is.  Any way the poor bird was getting pulled back and at the last second mustered the strength and flew off.  YIKES!

On my way down Chico canyon rd.  I saw a guy in a truck pull as close as he could to a mail, box so his child could reach out the window to check the mail.  REALLY!  Is that a one up to the person who gets in there car backs out, at least get out of there car to check the mail and then gets back in a do pull into the drive way.
Laziness knows no boundary.  

When I got to Horse Shoe lake to get some water a very nice gentlmen noticed my bike.  He said that a odd bike to have up here.   I chuckled and said no I'm not mountian biking. I'm just doing laps.  He went on to tell me that if I wanted to improve my cycling skills that I should join the Fun 50.   I told him I already knew about it and I am part of Chico Area Group rides.  I told him I have about 566.54 miles to go to get to, 6000 in one year.   I doubte he believed me, no one ever believes me. They give me one look over and I see them thinking to themself, yeah sure lady at your size I bet you can't go 2 miles.   Little do they know. 
 In another awkward moment in the park I had a rude guy tell me that at my weight I should not be riding such a beautiful bike.   Rolling eyes.   I just rode off.    I could have replied "Hey dude see that tree over there it's lonely"

So tomorrow off to Centerville with the Friday Group ride. 

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