Saturday, May 5, 2018


 Yesterday I watched a bunch of lawn fleas aka starlings,  totally taking over this big bush, stop by to see what they were eating and discovered it's a mulberry bush.  I tried a ripe one and yeah so sour, had to spit it out. Yuck!   There is one closer to were I live and it's white and taste like honey and apples. Yummy.  So the birds can have this one. 
 Hammer gel?    Yeah.   Sorry this is the second time I tried this gel and it does not agree with me at all.  Sort of like eating hair gel with food flavoring.  No I do not dine on hair gel.  So double yuck.  Sticking to my Cliff Gel. 

My hubby could not find the phone to call me, so he started to get worried.  He jumped on the bike and came looking for me.
 It was a very slow ride home.  9 mph.

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