Friday, June 1, 2018


I ride by this little park all the time and out on this basket ball court is a wonderful group of African dancers of all ages.  I think it's a after school activity, but there always doing something, dancing, relay races.  I love seeing stuff like that.  People encourage kids to do there best and honoring heritage.   This is also were I water up at a little fountain.
Uhhgggg.  This little creek use to be so much more beautiful, but no they had to come in and rip every thing out.  WHY?  Because they could. Chris and I use to walk here every evening and look at the bull frogs and what not.  The wild life still here, it will recover, hopefully they won't rip it out again. 
Slowly it will come back.

Look what I found, how cute.  A little book shop!  I got some children books I was collecting for a while when I was still in the mind set of having children.   Sense that isn't happening I'm going to drop them off here for some other little kid to find enjoyment out of them.  It was all adult books. :(  Where the kids books?

Shade.   I didn't cross the bridge of Casa doom to go to Horse Shoe lake. I just want to stay out of the direct sun as much as possible. 
More shade.  

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