Saturday, June 16, 2018


 Ya you could say it was windy.  Just checked out the weather report and the winds were 25mph with wind gust exceeding 30.  You can see how happy I am to be riding at 8 mph out towards Honey Run.   The first part of my ride was really hard.    Did I suffer YES!   I'm sore all over.

In later news.  I found someone to volunteer for me.   So I can suffer in circles.   
 Going 8 mph and only 8 miles into more lovely wind. 
 Took a break were the fried eggs are, well that is what they look like to me.
 Beautiful windy day. 
 Cray Cray here.

 Going insaine the wind is hellish.    I learned this from Frankie.   But I have to say he does it will style.  My face looks like I'm reading to disembowel my competition.

 Taking another break.  I normally don't stop here, but I had to pant pant pant.

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