Sunday, June 24, 2018


I loved this ride.  I grew up in the woods so I was in my element.  I would do this ride again in a instant. 

                     Got up early to beat the heat.  It was 105 today and sweltering.   

Just getting to Butte Meadows and Pam our leader below getting ready to talk to everyone.

The little store were we had lunch.
Look how cute this water tower looks.  It looks like something from a children's book.
The first ride we did was a warm up to Jones Town. 
Off we go.

   Do you think the flag is big enough?   Sheesh. 
Um yeah well know. 
Friendly bunch.

So if you have a emergency what do they do?  Shoot you?     "Quick call 911 I just broke my arm!"   BOOM!

Jones Town
I love this barn, I love the trees, did I mention I love the whole place.

Going back to Butte Meadows.
That a huge stove pipe on the restroom, just saying.

Regrouping to head to Inskip.
Here we go up up and up.  3,200 feet of climbing.

On the way up I had a hornet hit my teeth.  Yikes.

And on the way down going at 28 mph I had a suicidal chipmunk jump off a rock and run in font of my bike,   I closed my eyes and that dame little furry got across the road with out me creaming it.   DANG! 

On our way back, taking a break in the shade.

After a hard ride time to eat.

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