Saturday, June 9, 2018


Ya I know exactly what ever is this thinking.  All the 666 things I've been posting this is my punishment.  Nope this is just a coincidence.

This was crawling across my face last night.  It's a Brown Recluse spider.    No I did not get bit.  But if I did it would have been on my face.  Eeeeegaaaddddd.  :( :(    
I kept feeling it and I was itching my face half asleep. Some time my hair will tick my nose and I'll pull on my hair to get rid of that one strand.  Well I grabbed my backs and was like shit, WTF did I just grab and what's in my hand. (!!!)   Usually I'll squish it, but this thing was too big to squish, well in my squishing category.  I put it down on the bed and with lightning speed flew off the bed grabbed my glasses, turned on the light and grabbed a glass cup and covered it with a cup.   This is what I was looking at.    I could not fall asleep for quite a while.  And I was constantly messing with my hair, like there was another one in there just hiding.    So yeah what sleep.   

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