Thursday, June 7, 2018


My mother in-law gifted me a subscription to Bicycling Magazine.   YAY!   I've been reading it after my rides and it's has good tips and stories.  

I think I'm going to do a short ride today.  I got up this morning and guuhhhhhggnnnnn.  I'm using May as a platform to do June.  I took 7 days off as breaks.  I already used two, so I have 5 more days left.  How ever if I can do a couple more long rides here and there then it will help reduce the mileage a I have to do.   Like I said it's a numbers game. 

My average speed is suffering, meh.   I'm not to worried about that.  

Oh if you like or read this magazine I recommend reading the Malcolm Gladwell Rides a bike- But he does not have to like it article.   It compares runners to cyclist.   And as a side note, because I've read a lot of these comparison running and bike articles.   They never mention the fact that a cyclist also has to carry the weight of the bike, yes the bike are super light weight and most riders are equally light, but that is still a factor.  Runners are just carrying there own weight, cyclist are carrying there weight and the bikes weight.   

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