Friday, June 29, 2018


Thank to Jenni for making today happen.  This was not only a beautiful ride but it was filled with lot's of things to ohhh and ahhh at.  Flowers, butterflies, not to mention very cool weather, ahhhhh.  And we had a baby brown bear cross the road in front of us.    WOW! 
Getting ready to go.
Picking up friends.
Lot's of construction, but that didn't stop us.

Lot's of construction. 

Ok here we go. 

Taking a break.
Riding on.

This was one great shot of Lassen.

Ahhh man this is the only evidence of the baby bear. When I took the shot I was looking at Mt Lassen.  And when we both put our cameras away it darted across the road.    That was the icing on the cake.  
Full circle.
Nom nom time.
Hell yeah.!   This was one fricken huge burger. 

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