Monday, July 23, 2018


 You think 25 miles would be easy.  Yuck. I didn't start out with a stomachache, but got one as I rode.  So it was a hard ride.   I actually woke up at a reasonable time this morning, I was not bright eyed and bushy tailed, but I was up.  Bike ride.  I hoping by evening I'll be ok to do another 25 and make today a 50 miler.   But this morning it was not cool at all it was very humid and no cool air, bleh.  
 Hey look I'm skinny.

 Were are my clouds.
 :)    Had to make my self happy and photo shop some cloud in.
 You think this was a 100 mile ride, but I was really beat at the end of this ride.   To make sure I can do the evening ride I'm going to do a power nap and make sure I have the energy to complete the other 25 miles.

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