Tuesday, July 3, 2018


 Took a two day Break-cation, so I can get back in the game.  And off I go to doing another 1000 miles.   35 miles down and later today another 15 miles when I go out to the keep the Critters in order, well some what in order.

Very smoky morning, from all the fires.  :(  

Saw a lot of friendly faces this morning as I did my ride. 
 And here we go again dead end.  LOL  Oh well, it really looked promising. 

There was a lovely little patch of swamp next to the path with cattails an all assortment of vegetation, but I didn't feel like trudging thought the brush to get to it.  
Wild Mint.
This plant is edible.  Peddles, steam and leaves.  The root has to be cooked

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