Tuesday, July 10, 2018


 This is what I got to listen to when I arrived at the Crit's this evening.  A tall elderly volunteer with a yellow vest started to attack not only my business practice,  he disparaged my kit, and called me a Idiot for cycling and didn't stop.   I don't volunteer at the Crits to cut people down, and I definitely  do not go to the Crits to name call.  If your going to call your self a volunteer and support the Criterium, act like a grown up.  

If you can't deal with a women riding like a man, go find that special tree with the hole in it. 
And remember your hate is my power.  They more you throw at me the stronger I get.  

Now that being said I had a awesome day and reached my goal of 80.80 miles.   And guess what I'm going to keep riding!!!!!    

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