Saturday, July 14, 2018


My thoughts on the Tour De France. 
Yes I like cycling, but I'm focusing on my own goals.   I'm not one to fantasizing about seeing my self there.   What am I fantasizing about?  Getting to do 200 miles in one day, but for now I've got to concentrate what I'm doing right now.   
But holy crap cracker!  Do people get pissy and whiny about spoilers.  That really cracks me up to no end.   Remember folks the world was not designed just for you!  So bring on the spoilers!  
I don't mind.    Heck if I had it my way I'd make fake spoiler news.    Like OMG  Did you hear FROOM cares a small fire extinguisher in his pocket and uses it for speed enhancement."  I don't know, but just make shit up.  
Just chill sit back and enjoy it for what it is.    I will probably watch it in snippets here and there, but I'm not going to sit glued to the computer, biting my nails and screaming.    

From my perspective watching professional cyclist can deter people from trying to cycle, because there like. :(  I don't have the jersey, the bike, the shoes and there so, good.   Watching professional cyclist to a beginner can be very intimidating.   Really all you need is you and your bike, that's it.  Hell I started riding with out a kit.  I was very fashionable, in blue jeans and a jacket. LOL     

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