Sunday, July 22, 2018


 Today was a good day for ice cream!  It was so hot and  a new MEXICAN ice cream shop opened up. OMG they're taking our jobs.  No people they're making delicious ice cream and creating jobs.
They're making ice cream great again.!!!!  And it was every thing I dreamt it to be.  This is at 20 miles.  I normally don't stop for ice cream, but to day was the day.

 Today was also the day to push my self.  I wanted to get to 50, so how do you get to 50 when you're a bit tired?   Ride out until you get to 40 and make sure when you get to 40 that in order for you to get home you have to ride another 10 miles.  That's how.   So I'm tired. 

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