Sunday, August 26, 2018


 Well sometimes the stars do not align.   My friend has breathing problems and the smoke today was a little too much for her, so she decided not to ride.   So I rode in circles today.  Only did 12 miles, going to go back out later on.

I got my TIGER Jersey back and fixed, thank to my friend Lena. <3     I tend to like to wear this when I have my grrrr on, today was not that day, so I feel weird wearing a tiger jersey and doing a tiny ride.  Oh well.

Wholly crap cracker.  I was wondering what post of mine is going to get to 1000 first and well it might be the,   71.31 miles 10/5/2016 WHAT WAS I THINKING   Yipe.
It has 726 views, sense yesterday.  So it's leaving What I'm up to.  Behind.   LOL

 Nature is full of surprises, if you pay attention.   All these lovely's pop up fast.
 Lot's of them.
 And this too with tiny tiny blue flowers.

The flowers are so small there is no way my camera can pick them up.

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