Thursday, August 30, 2018

32.20 MILES

Not a great day, was feeling pretty crappy, but hey there the bike.  
On my way out I got up close and personal with a Hawk.  I don't know who was more surprised him or me.   I came around a corner and he was perched on a fence, bullying some little birds who were crazy upset.  He looked at me and I looked at him.  I could have reached out and touched him.  He actually was so surprised he lost his balance on the fence.   That is the closest to a wild Hawk I've ever been. Pretty cool.    I'm a hero to those tiny birds.  LOL

 Giant Puff balls.  I love these.   
I really wonder how long these will last. LOL  Some kid or adult is going to come by and kick them.  But that ok, that is how they spread there spores.   Or a mouse will decide they are delicious.   

Well I got a ear full, two cyclist were riding and one was telling the other she was getting so high on dope and then she binged on beer.... Dang!    Great cycling strategy there.

Did some sprints into a head wind. 

My new weapon of choice.   I am feared by all now.  Bwaahahahahaaa....

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