Saturday, August 18, 2018


 What happens when you get a ton of great cyclist together?  We have a great time.  The WOW (Women on Wheels) group was here with along with North Valley Cycling Club. Which I'm am part of both.
 Pam our group leader of WOW generously opened her home to us and cooked up some Ribs that were fit for royalty.  The food was awesome.  
You can't have a awesome party without palm trees.  Right. 
 Set in the middle of a orchard this was the perfect setting for a party.  Beer, wine is divine, but I had my eyes set on Ice tea.  I got there early and the metal bucks were not filled with drinks yet.  When they were filled with ice and drinks there were chilled wine and beers, but I spied a Ice tea.  Yummy.  I reach down and grab it, and then this guy decided for me by grab it out of my hand.  He said "You don't want that, here let me get you something good"  Next thing you know I'm holding a beer.  LOL   He was just trying to be kind, but I told him I don't drink, set the beer down and grabbed the ice tea.  LOL  The look on his face was say whaaaa.....LOL  

 Had to try one my new jersey.  All the women orders were arranged in bright bags.   Yippy
Aggggghh!  Look at my ankles, I'm walking on sticks.  
 Everyone was talking up a storm.

 Amazing women cyclist. 
 Betsy photo Bombed me.   LOL
 Food.  Yummy. 
 The ribs were out of this world.  I managed to snag some, they went fast. 
I was so stuffed.
 Party crashers.      
 Very beautiful garden off to the side of the party.

A  Barred Plymouth Rock hen waiting for food.
Do you have food for me?    LOL
 I'm waiting......
 How do you know your at a party with Cyclist.  The dessert table is barren.  LOL
1 cheese cake.
1 fruit bowl.
Mini cup cakes.
and I believe someone brought ice cream and two pies.  

The pictures of the main banquet table did not turn out, but there was a lot of food.

At the end of the party the Mosquito's came out in droves, for there own banquet us!   I had seven of them on me.  And I don't know how, but I only found one bite.   I thought I was getting feasted on.   

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