Friday, August 31, 2018

20.11 MILES & 4000 MILES

I just hit 4000 miles on my speedometer that I got 5 month and 4 days ago.  

Me sporting the very fashionable side hair.  It's will be trending very soon.

Now you guys can laugh hard, because I finally did it, I did my ride yesterday wearing my bibs inside out.  And the only redeeming thing was that every thing down there was black.
I am so glad I did not wear the one with a bright green fabric.     
Work today for Sportsmans Warehouse.  They're having a Water Fowl Weekend.   Then at the end of September I'll face paint for them.  

Whats next?   Tomorrow is the CLUB CLIMB to Paradise then to Love Lock then back down to Neal road.   57 miles 3800' climbing.

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