Wednesday, August 1, 2018


 Well I was going to join the WOW group this morning and I was looking at my journal and I have been cycling for 2 week straight, so yeah I need a break.  So I'm taking a two day chill.   

Yesterday (7-31-2018)

I'm on a mission to volunteer at the Crits.
 It was really smoky out at the air port.
 Lot's of planes taking off and landing.  I wanted to get a shot of a plane in the back ground of the Critters, no luck.  
 One of our volunteers with his awesome ride.
 Power girl pose.  A professional Critter in the making.
 These two were playing a real intense card game.  
 Lot's of people show up considering how smoky it was.  It was also really muggy the humidity was really high. 
 The matching shirts were not intentional.  LOL They match.   
Well let see  Pink skys at night sailors delight,
                    Pink skys in the morning sailors take warning.
                    Red sun at night (???) sailors take fright???
 Zooming around the corners at high speed.
 Beautiful pine cones on a tree.

1,008 miles and the month is over. 
Feeling great. 

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